Free Realms Warrior Cats Wiki

My whole life I've never fit in. I was always known as the ugly freak that is nothing but worthless and pathetic. I've tried to get along with other people, try new things. I've tried being there for people when I can and just be a good friend.

Why can't I have a break? What am I doing wrong? I try my best to look my best, dress my best, act my best. But no! I've never had a boyfriend in real life because they all see what's on the outside and not on the inside. Whenever I get a mate, whenever I fall in love and just want someone to care about me, they say they love me forever then they just vanish. They never come back. I'm tired of it. Why can't I be successful in making a pack or clan like the other high and mighty people on Feral Heart? Why can't I get a loving, kind mate? Why must I be punished, tortured, broken..

I want to be a good person, but what if others never seem to care? Would they like me mean, cold, evil, cruel and just a jerk? Would they then respect me? Would then finally someone would love me and actually stay in my life? Why can't I have a chance like so many others do?
